Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Disclaimer: This review is not "sponsored or sponsoring any brand in specific" its just what I have noticed and worked for me :D 

Im vegan so I stay away from animal products I just consume shrimp or fish every 2 weeks due to medical prescription :( but oh well. 
I exercise everyday , I dont drink coke or any soda-like drink , Im a water queen ! :D
Im always researching and reviews new ALL natural made products, I have been researching a lot about this particular fruit. That grows in Brazil, and its called ACAI, it has a lot "pro and against it" and I researched more about the "against" part to really go deep in my research not only the good stuff. 
Basically the "against" part of it really has no true backgrounds so in other words is not valid, on the other hand there are MANY MANY !! benefits of this particular fruit.
I found a video on Youtube its called the power of acai --> VIDEO ABOUT ACAI
( they do advertise a product I believe but its just the info. what I recommend you really pay attention to )

I been taking these juices for a while the brand is NAKED and they have some amazing ! top of the line flavors , mixtures and they offer an enormous amount of nutrients and fruits and veggies and all that good stuff
 sooo if you guys wish to give them a try I totally recommend them.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the naked drinks. They are so delicious and really great for you! Also, I take acai berry extract herbal supplements everyday because of the tremendous benefits! :)


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